The secret world history & amazing facts
Welcome to your hidden past...
Here will I present the most important historical facts, that normally are "hidden" or sadly neglected and you actually should discover at school, plus some amazing but true pieces of time...
Everything is written in chronological order and I only use facts (or when there are no facts, as the origin of man, the most accepted theories) from very respectable historical books and some other fine sources, like Guinness book of record...
The human ape, had twice as big brain than any other apes and made the first tools 2 million years ago... They split up in four different races 1 million year later, and tree of them left Africa... They could speak 400.000 years ago and was by then spread over Africa, Europe and Asia... Finally did big Asian groups walk over to America, when the Asian and American continent was connected at north and they did then stay all over north and south America...The great Sphinx's in Egypt was probably built about 8000 BC, by dark brown northern Africans, 4000 years before the Egyptian civilization, according to the erosion of rain on the statue... Which is a rather exact way to measure how old outdoor stone statues are.

Brazil was discovered, from the sea 531 BC (!!) or even earlier by Phoenicians... They was the first great sea trade people, living in the area of Lebanon (rather close to the first civilized town) and they did cross the Atlantic ocean from Africa and trade then for many years with the locals - who actually came walking from China (see above) many many years before that... Cleopatra (actually "Cleopatra VII Thea Philopator" born January 69 died August 30 BC) was 21 and a famous nymphomaniac, when she finally seduce Julius Caesar, who then was 52 years old.. But they "met" long before that and she took her first lover at twelve, had a special temple with lover boys and killed herself at 39... But she was also highly educated, directly related to one of Alexander the great's Greek generals, very intelligent and did as example speak 9 or 10 languages.
The Chinese did also cross the oceans in huge ships and looked at Mexico (459 after Christ) and many other countries... The Vikings from northern Europe, had then a little colony on the American east coast, around 900 AC and the first* south European to discover north America (1472) was the Portuguese Joao vas de Corte Real on a secret discovery mission... * But the Phoenicians did probably visit north America, long before that... YesColumbus came first twenty years later 1492 and he called Haiti for Hispaniola!

Philippe II, Duke of Orléans king Ludvig XIV brothers son and from 1715 to 1723 the actual regent of France... Was a lot more perverse than Marquis de Sade... He married first his 15 years old cousin, took several of his 7 daughters as mistresses, killed some family members with poison, arrange orgies even on religious holidays and a females mouth, was his favourite toilet... Marquis de Sade (1740-1814) came 4 years old to his uncle Abbe de Sade, who lived in an idyllic castle and had a lovely Spanish woman and her daughter, as mistress... And de Sade's mother became a nun... He's first and only marriage was to Renée-Pélagie de Montreuil and her 19 years old sister Anne-Prospère de Launay, became his mistress with his wife's blessing... He had at the same time two scandals and was officially sentence to death... But he was "only" sent to prison, for poisoning two whores, even if there was clear evidence that he never did poison anyone... Then did he escape prison and arrange daily orgies, together with his wife, under a long winter in a family castle, with 5 young teenage girls... His stepmother (who hated him, by this time) did then lure lure him to Paris and he got arrested again... After some year is prison, was he finally declared completely innocent, but the stepmother did anyhow arrange so he had to stay over 11 more years in prison and it was there he began to write his most infamous erotic books, spiced with wild irony and extreme satire... Yes, he did really whip almost every girl as foreplay (when he was free) but in a relatively erotic way and then did he normally fuck them anally... And he did also enjoy more extreme games, just like many other noble men and women of the French aristocracy... But he wrote also very popular books, with the most extreme games (not "just" enjoying them in private) and that was clearly the main reason, that he had to spend the second half of 28 years (totally) behind locked doors... Before that, was he released under the French Revolution... He manage then to became a very compassionate judge and did risk his own life, saving others from the guillotine... Including his evil stepmother... He found also a devoted female companion in Marie-Constance Renelle Quesnet, when his wife left him... But the government began to hate his books and he was finally locked up for the rest of his life, at Charenton mental hospital (with help of his stepmother) even if he not was insane or convicted for any crime... But he was almost sent to the famous horror castle If, so it could been much worse and he met then Magdeleine Leclerc, who was the 12 year old daughter, to a women in the prison administration... She became his last mistress, at the age of 13 even if they only had rather soft sexual "pleasures" probably because he was fat, 69 years old and not very healthy... But she did shave her pubis hair for him and visit him almost every evening in the cell, playing games little less often, until he died five years later... He did also teach the young girl to read and write... And Constance, who was free to come and go as she wanted, did serve him faithfully to the end and had even a connecting bedroom... They did actually hope (in vain) that he would be released soon and was planning to move together, with Magdeleine's mothers approval, when he suddenly got sick and died quietly in bed...

Mills Darden (usa 1798 to 1857) weighted 463 kilo and his lovely wife just 46 kg...Antonio Meucci (1808-1889) from Italy did invent the telephone 1849 and Bell, who used to work with Meucci, patented a copy 1876 as his invention! Sir Joseph Wilson Swan did patent the first light bulb 1878 in England... Thomas Edison made then a less good copy, that he manage to patent in America, about a year later and he did even advertise that the electric light bulb, was his invention... But 1892 did Edisons company merger with Swans, creating General Electric and after that did they use Swans finer original method, to make light bulbs.The famous scientist Nicola Tesla (1856-1943) invented the radio 1893 and patented it, so Marconi was absolutely not the real inventor... Titanic's fourth chimney, was only a fake, just because it was fashion with four! Charles Lindberg, was actually the 82 man, who flew cross the ocean - but he was the first who did it alone... The Vatican state, was founded 1929 with help of the fascist dictator Mussolini, who wanted support from the church... Ed McGivern (USA) did actually fire 2x 5 shots in 0.45 second 1932 and all shots, hit within 3.06 cm (!!) on 4.58 meters distance...

The most awful criminals: Herman Webster Mudgett (1860-1896) better known under the alias "Dr. Harry Howard Holmes" killed around 150 young ladies, even if he "only" confessed to 27 murders... They rented room in his "palace" in Chicago, that actually was a fully equipped horror house, with a maze of secret rooms and elevators, soundproof bedrooms, acid pools, gas chambers, a dissection table and stretching rack, private crematorium, a huge bank vault and naturally, a lot of loose body parts... He did even sell the skeletons of many victims, to medical schools and his hanging took over 10 minutes, before he was dead... Then did Albert Fish (1870-1936) kill and ate at least fifteen children, even if he only was convicted for two murders and his last victim was maybe ten year old Grace Budd, who he "cut in smal pieces" and mainly cocked with carrots and unions... He wrote also that "her little ass was roasted in the oven" in a letter to her parents...
The youngest mother was five years and seven months "old" Lina Medina, from Peru... She gave birth to a healthy boy, with help of caesarean section in May 1939 and the father was never found... Her parents did first suspect she got a tumor, but she was pregnant since she was 4 years old and had been having regular periods since the age of three... Lina did then develop normally and got a second son 1972 thirty-three years after his brother... You can click here
for more details and pictures... The German Hahn, made 1938 the first atomic explosion... The English started to plan an invasion of Norway, months before Germanand a huge fleet was gathered in the north sea 1940 when they discovered that the German navy was closer to Oslo and then did the main part of the giant English fleet turned around, after a silly quarrel between the navy and the army, instead of invading Norway... They did only land some troops outside Narvik, after a long delay and just a few recognise troops did then engage in battle, before they left Norway... Under the invasion of Belgium, did Nazi German for the first time use a combination of attack paratroopers and a great numbers off confusing dolls, plus unique glide planes and an extremely efficient explosive, to take the most important bridges and the "impossible" fortress Eben Emael... Before that did they also use attack paratroopers (possible for the first time) but nothing else, under the invasion of Norway... Everything succeed and was developed from the evil genius, Hitlers original ideas... Yes, Hitler was a completely insane war loving maniac, but he did design (or initiate) almost everything that made German a terrible fighting power, from every detail in the uniforms and symbols, to extremely effective and complex new training methods... And that was naturally very bad for the people in Europe, but also amazing in some ways...

The biggest hero in the second world war, was Michel Hollard and he single handed, started the most efficient intelligence organization in France, with the name "Reseau Agir" and he had soon 60 own secret agents, on strategic places all over France.. He both collected and delivered, all information himself and no one else, known any other agents.. He then sneaked over the France an Swiss border, that was "impossible" to cross and because of that, the Brit's didn't believe in his exact military information, before 1942 and then he crossed the hardest border in the world 94 times... It was Hollard who discover all the V1 missile bases, several months before they was finished... They was built with extreme safety measures, in just 4 months and not even the German labours, know the purpose of the installations... But Hollard did find out everything and 44 bases was bombed to pieces, a few days before they was finished.. These bases was built to send 5000 missiles every month and that would be 50.000 super bombs, before "D day" and at least 20.000 would hit London... Now it became only 2400 totally... Hollard was captured 1944 by treason, tortured by Gestapo, without telling anything and sent to Neuengamme, one of the worst konzentration camp... But he continue to resist and hide over 1000 weapons part, that the prisoners had to make and he still survived...
Mass murder - According to the USA senates "Walter report" made 1971 was between 32.3 and 61.7 million people, killed by the government in China, from 1949 to 1971 and only the Hsiao Mieh campaign 51-55 resulted in 5 to 10 million dead.. The official radio in Peking, reported the number of "expired existent" some months and the highest number was 2.326.000 people, in one single month... Between 8 and 10 millions, was also killed in Soviet by the government, under the Jezjovtsjina campaign 1936 to 38 and at least 19 million more, died 1921 to 60 in the famous Soviet prison camps... Making a minimum total of 27 to 29 million and over 25% of them was Jews...
The Nazi Otto Adolf Eichman, was sentence to death, for the responsibility of minimum 5.7 million Jews death... But the Nazis murder about 8 million Jews totally, plus 6 to 10 million other civilian (mostly by slave labour and starvations) giving a total of minimum 12 to 18 million dead... They got also some "help" by local groups, like the Litauans national partisans, who murder about 229.052 of the Jews in Lithuania and some of this was filmed by the Nazis, both as propaganda and instruction for the einsatzgruppe...
All these horrible mass murders, was normally made by every means, in purpose to reduce the population... Including systematically starvation of "free" people, deadly hard labour and simply filling big old ships, which then was sunk... The lower numbers in this calculations, are the minimum (with complete documentation) and the higher figure, is what historians expect to be the most accurate - so it might be even more!
The second atomic bomb that USA dropped over Nagasaki 1945 was of another type and it seem like the US air force, mainly wanted to test it's effect... The president did clearly warn Japan, before the second bomb was dropped - but he didn't give Japan more than 3 days to surrender, he did also know that the emperor tried to surrender (before the first bomb) with Russian help, the US military did select four cities of the same size (including two reserve cities) and they did even avoid to damage them with any conventional bombing, so they could compare the effect... They had actually demolish almost every other city in Japan, mainly with fire bombs, which did kill more civilians than the atomic bombs... The second bomb was almost twice as big and primarily meant for Kokura, but it was too cloudy there, so the bomb plane continue to Nagasaki and did miss the exact target with 3 kilometres... Strangely enough, does articles about the "atomic bomb" very seldom mention the second bomb on Nagasaki (or the over 75.000 victims there) and the fact that Japan was practically helpless, at that time... Yes, they was almost unable to fight back and couldn't attack the bomb planes, as example... And the US military did not warn the civilians with leaflets, as they did before the bombings of 13 other cities... But the military leaders of Japan was still very reluctant to surrender, even after the second bomb and the emperor Hirohito had to order them to surrender, so both bombs might been necessary anyhow... And none of the American scientist did suspect, that the radiation would be so dangerous and kill so many later - so that awful side effect came as a shock for everyone.

The biggest unsolved crime (until 1996 at least) was when a gang of American military and German civilians, took the German gold reserve 1945 and some other stuff, to a total value (then) of 400 million dollar... Paul Anderson, from USA who won a gold medal in 1956 , lifted 3000 kilo 1957 with his back and William Pagel lifted a 500 kilos horse, up trough two four meters ladders... An amazing book about the greatest future energy - Thorium was written 1958 for the Atomic Energy Commission, as part of its Atoms for Peace program and was then totally forgotten... The 978 page book "Fluid Fuel Reactors" was rediscovered and really understood first in 2000 by Kirk Sorensen and it point out the many huge advantages of using Thorium, instead of uranium - vital advantages that actually can change the future of mankind... Thorium is 3 to 5 times more common in nature, compared to uranium and don't need any costly processing (that also reduce the volume of usable uranium dramatically) and then does Thorium "burn" more complete - so it gets about 200 times more effective, according to the Nobel Prize winning physicist Carlo Rubbia... One tonnes of Thorium give same energy as 200 tonnes uranium or 3.800.000 tonnes coal and a fistful Thorium would light London for a week... Then is a molten salt reactor (MSR) for Thorium, which is a kind of liquid-fluoride thorium reactor (LFTR) both dramatically cheaper to build, than a conventional nuclear reactor and have zero risk of meltdown... And hold your hat now, Thorium leave virtually no waste (!!) and the minimal waste is also safe after only a few hundred years... Several scientist does also point out that a Thorium reactor can even destroy the waste from old nuclear reactors, when it generates electricity... All this facts - that Thorium is a lot more common, cheaper to mine, don't need any processing, is 200 times more effective, a much safer reactor cost dramatically less to build, produce no expensive waste and can even use old nuclear waste as extra fuel - make also the final energy from Thorium amazingly cheap... And 1965 did the Thorium project director Alvin Weinberg and his team even build a perfect working and ultra safe 7.4 MW test reactor at Oak Ridge National Laboratory in Tennessee, that ran for almost five years and produced full power under 1.5 years... But this technology was actually too safe for the US government, at that time... Thorium don't produce any byproducts, that can be used for nuclear weapons - while ordinary nuclear power produce enriched uranium, that can be processed to plutonium and that fact was the sad reason, why uranium got selected for power production under the "cold war" years... But there are still some hope, since the rediscovery did Sorensen form a "Energy from Thorium" group and a few senators are recently acting for Thorium in Washington... Then plan both India and China to build most of it future electric power production on Thorium technology... India has already built the huge 300MW test reactor Kakrapar-1 as you can see in many YouTube videos and the last news is that they will base all future nuclear energy on Thorium, but they use the "Advanced Heavy Water" technology that not is as effective and extremely safe as the molten salt reactor (MSR) alternative, that was used 1965 at Oak Ridge... France are also testing a miniature Thorium power plant (of MSR type) since 2002 and the company IThEMS in Japan are projecting a 10MW miniature Thorium power plant (of MSR type) they call miniFuji... Congressman Joe Sestak added funding 2010 for research and development of a destroyer-sized reactor using Thorium, to be able to replace the less efficient old nuclear technology in naval power and especially eliminate the waste problem... And an American company in Russia is also working with an alternative that mix Uranium and Thorium, which especially can be used in old nuclear power plants and produce dramatically less waste, but cost almost the same as the old technology to run... First source was Wired 21 December 2009 and the info was then updated several times.

The main reason for the Vietnam war, was two basic misunderstandings... North Vietnam wanted in first hand independence and USA was actually more than ready to give them that, if they only cut all connections with Communist China... But North Vietnam thought that USA actually wanted to colonise Vietnam, just as France did before them and never would give Vietnam independence, if they not force USA to leave... USA wanted in first hand to stop the "tyranny of communism" and they didn't understand that North Vietnam mainly was collaborating temporary with China and Soviet, just to win the war... Vietnam had been resisting China for over 1000 years and did plan to be as independent from China as possible, after the war... But USA thought that Vietnam would become a very active part of communist China, if they not won the war... So they both thought they had to win on the battlefield - even if USA could make a rather simple deal saying "we leave, if you break with communist China" or the other way around "we break with communist China, if you leave" and end the war... And the huge tragedy was that neither side did understand this facts, during the war, according to an interview with McNamara 2003 and then was it naturally other complex factors, but a deal was anyhow possible!

The richest man on earth, was for twenty years the secretive shipping magnate Daniel K Ludwig (1897-1992) who had a fortune of at least 3.000 million dollar 1977 (that should be worth about 12.000 million dollar 97) and he did donate most of his wealth to cancer research... You can compare that with Howard Hughes who "only" left 1.373 million dollar 1976 but the sheiks of Kuwait made 1974 over 3.800 million dollar every year and a maharani (female maharajah) in India, was possibly richer as Ludwig, before the India state took everything as back tax... Yes, she had complete cellars in several palaces filled with gold and jewels, even after it became illegal for a private person to own gold and she never bother to pay tax... She was also famous for the most magnificent jet set party's... But I have only read two deep articles (that I didn't save) about her amazing misfortune, so I would be grateful for any more information... Then was the Sultan of Brunei the richest 1997 with about 38.000 million dollar... And 2007 was William Gates III richest with about 56.000 million dollar, after donating away almost half since 2000 when he was worth over 118.000 million dollar... Ingvar Kamprad, the Swedish creator of IKEA was finally the 4th richest 2007 with about 33.000 million dollar... The average age of marriage for girls in India, was 1980 only 14.5 years old... Internet did open for everyone first 30 April 1993 as World Wide Web and the links, was the key to success... An English guy, who was badly squeezed, woke up 97 after 8 years in coma... The average age of marriage for girls in Jemen (an Arabic country) was 2005 only 14.3 years old and 1999 was the legal age for marriage changed from 15 to puberty, so some wife's is only 9 years old... But the really bad part is that most marriages are arranged, without any consent or love and that most girls don't know anything about sex (because of religious reasons) so the first experiences come normally as a shock!
Wonders of nature - There are a six times bigger underground river, a bit under the great Nile, that transport 1360 million cubic meter water, every day... The highest waterfall is Salto del Angel in Venezuela, that is 979 meters high!!
People cut down trees (in most countries) just to get fire wood, or new land for farming... Trees that move rainwater deep down in earth and make the air we breath... But the naked soil die, in very warm countries and get then washed away by rain, destroy the coast fishing and even transform the land to desert... Haiti, have only 5% trees left and many countries, even less... The highest tree (91) was a 113 meters high redwood, in USA... The most common bird, was the north American walking pigeon, but all the 5.000 to 10.000 million (in 1880) had been killed... Next ice age, will come in just 100 to maximum 4.000 year, according to the past variations and we are now in the end of the twenties warm age, that started 9000 BC...
Superstition - There are seldom row 13 in aeroplane's, floor 13 in many countries (mainly usa) room 13 in hotels and the Swedish king refuse to eat with 13 people, at one table!
Some popular false myths - Old time pirates, almost never let victims "walk the plank" so that is only a common punishment in movies... And there where only a few accounts of buried treasures, because pirates use to divide the loot equally and spend it at next port... So there where almost no treasure maps, either... Except the true stories and maps, about sunken Spanish gold ships!
The tragic terrorist attack on America
The worst terrorist attack in world history, begun on Tuesday morning the 11 September 2001 when several groups of fanatic middle east terrorist "inspired" by Usama bin Laden, capture four big civilian airplanes in air, with help of knifes and bomb treats...
They took then complete control, over three of the planes and the first one (a Boeing 767 with 92 people) crashed completely into the side of World Trade Center's magnificent north tower, 8:46 local time... The big airplane tear a wide hole between floor 94 and 98 before it exploded like a huge fire bomb, deep inside the tower... From that moment, was1344 victims completely trapped above 91 floor... At that time was about 40.000 innocent people, inside the two huge towers of World Trade Center, that was 110 floors high and for some time, the highest buildings in the world... 17 minutes later, 9:03 crashed the second plane (a Boeing 767 with 65 people) even deeper inside the elegant south tower and made a giant explosion, as you can see below... At least 37 people, who was captured above the fire, jumped out and soon was parts of the streets slippery of blood... 9:38 crashed a third plane (a Boeing 757) into the Pentagon building and 189 people died, plus five terrorists... And after almost one hour, collapsed the burning south tower 9:50 in an "explosion" of heavy dust and 38 minutes later collapsed the north one, to over 450.000 tons of steel and rubble, including many thousand people... And 10:03 (it was first many different reports) crashed the fourth plane (a Boeing 757 with 44 people) after a heroic fight with the terrorists, on the ground outside Pennsylvania and not on the real target...
Click a picture, to see the big one...

This pictures are published only to remember and understand this insane tragedy,
but without permission and I will remove any pics, if the owner object...
2749 innocent civilians (plus ten terrorists) died only in New York and of them, was 343 heroic fire fighters... Over twelve other very big buildings, got severe damage and six of them did also collapse the following days... When the towers crumble down, almost everything inside was pulverized, mainly to pieces smaller than coins and the hopeful rescue workers did only found one alive, 291 bodies and 19.500 body parts... Among them a pair of hands, bound together (from a female flight attendant) found on a rooftop... They didn't even find big pieces of concrete (except under ground level) only ton's of dust, from the "explosive" collapse... Many people did very brave things and most people did really try to help, in some way... But a few did react very strange and New York was terrorized with over 80 false bomb alarms (!) the following days...
And 1999 was an Indian Airlines Airbus with 178 passengers, hijacked with exactly the same method, by men from the same terrorist organization and they did force India to release three prisoners... So there was a warning, in history...

I imagine, that the only way to stop future attacks like this, is to lock and secure the pilots part (cabin) of every airliner (with a bullet proof wall) before the passengers enter the plane and then will the lock not open, until the plane land again... And then, by the weight on the landing gear... That is my idea, anyhow and the only problem, is that the pilots will need a little toilet too... And we should maybe have flight free zones, over every big city!
The very rich terrorist leader Usama bin Laden, mainly blame USA for almost everything he think is bad in the middle east (specially the support of the Saudi government) and he don't care that America only tried to help...
And one awful and very ugly side effect after the terrorist attack, is how some (even western) media also try to blame America... USA have never fight an unfair war, in modern time and they mainly, only try to help countries under attack... The worst things they done, was to also help military regimes (who was under attack) and don't stop the regimes drug traffic, as in Burma... But both France and Russia have fight really unfair wars and also supported many more military regimes, even with atomic bomb technology!! And Israel, have now killed several thousand civilians (the last five years) and almost only America protest...
OBS: I have not been everywhere, so I may got some details wrong, but the whole picture is really like this, according to the free fact's... But USA may naturally do wrong in the future, especially if they attack Iraq without a very good reason!
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