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    Saturday, 22 June 2013

    Say It with Flowers.

    If you send someone a single rose you are sending a message of love. You can send all kinds of messages with flowers. Florigraphy is the language of flowers. Hundreds of flowers and trees have been given meanings and here are some of them.

    American ElmPatriotism
    American LindenMatrimony
    ArborvitaeUnchanging friendship
    Ash TreeGrandeur
    Aspen TreeLamentation
    Beech TreeProsperity
    Birch TreeMeekness
    ChamomilleEnergy in adversity
    Carnation (Red)Alas! My poor heart!
    Cherry TreeGood education
    ChrysanthemumSlighted love
    ClematisMental beauty
    CoreopsisAlways cheerful
    DaisyWe feel the same
    Fig TreeProlific
    Forget-me-notTrue love
    Horse ChestnutLuxury
    LilacFirst Love
    Lily of the ValleyReturn of joy
    MagnoliaLove of nature
    Morning GloryAffectation
    Oak TreeHospitality
    Orange TreeGenerosity
    Pear TreeComfort
    Plum TreeFidelity
    Sweet PeaDelicate pleasure
    Walnut TreeIntellect
    Weeping WillowMourning
    ZinniaAbsent friends

Monday, 17 June 2013

American Sign Language and Braille.

Sign language for the deaf was first systematized in France during the 18th century by Abbot Charles-Michel l'Epée. French Sign Language (FSL) was brought to the United States in 1816 by Thomas Gallaudet, founder of the American School for the Deaf in Hartford, Conn. He developed American Sign Language (ASL), a language of gestures and hand symbols that express words and concepts.
In many respects, sign language is just like any spoken language, with a rich vocabulary and a highly organized, rule-governed grammar. But in sign language, information is processed through the eyes rather than the ears. Thus, facial expression and body movement play an important part in conveying information.
In spoken language, the relationship between most words and the objects and concepts they represent is arbitrary—there is nothing about the word “tree” that actually suggests a tree, either in the way it is spelled or pronounced. In the same way, in sign language most signs do not suggest, or imitate, the thing or idea they represent, and must be learned. Sign language may be acquired naturally as a child's first language, or it may be learned through study and practice.
Sign language shares other similarities with spoken languages. Like any living language, ASL grows and changes over time to accommodate native users' needs. ASL also has regional varieties, equivalent to spoken accents, with different signs being used in different parts of the country.

American Manual Alphabet

Along with sign language and lip reading, many deaf people also communicate with the manual alphabet, which uses finger positions that correspond to the letters of the alphabet to spell out words and names.

Manual Alphabet

Sign Language: 'Last Year' or 'One Year Ago'

Braille Alphabet

Braille is a system of printing and writing for the blind created in 1824 by Louis Braille (1809–1852), a French inventor who went blind from an accident when he was three. Each character in Braille is made up of an arrangement of one-to-six raised points used in 63 possible combinations. Braille is read by passing the fingers over the raised characters. A universal Braille code for English-speaking countries was adopted in 1932.

Braille Alphabet

Louis Braille, who became blind from an accident at age 3, developed the Braille System to help teach blind children to read and write. The system of letters, numbers, and punctuation marks consists of six raised points or dots used in 63 possible combinations.

the alphabet in Braille
Alphabet in Braille

numbers and punctuation in Braille
Numbers and Punctuation Marks in Braille

Wednesday, 12 June 2013

Biggest Conspiracy Theories of all Times

There are so many conspiracy theories out there, and obviously, many of them are ridiculous. However, it seems equally ridiculous to presume that all conspiracy theories are false. Therefore, I’m sure almost everyone here would agree that at least some conspiracy theories are true. So what I’m wondering is, what are some of the biggest ones?
Here I have compiled some of the biggest conspiracy theories of all times. I may have missed some so feel free to comment and correct me.
Apollo Moon Landing
The Apollo 11 Moon landing in 1969 is said to be an elaborate hoax by the US accordingto  some space conspiracy theorists. NASA footage of Moon’s surface is bogus according to some theorists, who claim glaring anomalies such as shadows going in different directions and the US flag blowing in the wind show it was faked.
9/11 Pentagon Conspiracy Theory
There’s a theory that no plane actually hit the Pentagon on September 11 and that the explosion was actually caused by a missile fired from inside it by the Americans.
The Bermuda Triangle
A number of aircraft and ships are alleged to have gone missing in mysterious circumstances in the Bermuda Triangle. Strange goings on and supernatural activity has been reported since the 1950s.
Paul Is Dead
There is an urban legend alleging that Paul McCartney of The Beatles died in 1966 and was replaced by a look-alike and sound-alike. He was supposedly replaced by William Campbell- the winner of a look-alike contest.
Princess Diana’s Death

Some believe that the death of Prince Charles’ ex-wife in a Paris car crash 12 years ago was a murder plot by the Royal family to prevent her from marrying again
The Roswell cover up

Many believe that the US military covered up the crash of an alien spacecraft in Roswell, New Mexico. It has been claimed that various parts of an alien spacecraft and even bodies of extra-terrestrials were retrieved from the scene.
The Illuminati Run the World

The illuminate conspiracy theory holds that the world’s corporate and political leaders are all members of an ancient cabal: Illuminati, Rosicrucian’s, or Freemason.
The Assassination of John F. Kennedy
The JFK assassination is perhaps the most discussed and most widely-accepted conspiracy theory. 
Global Warming is a Fraud

William Gray made a list of 15 reasons for the global warming hysteria. The list includes the need to come up with an enemy after the end of the Cold War. According to him, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration stopped giving him research grants, and so did NASA.
Pearl Harbor Was Allowed to Happen

This theory states that President Roosevelt provoked the attack to make Hitler to declare war, since the public and Congress were overwhelmingly against entering the war in Europe. It was his backdoor to war.